Avamar data collection fails with “password authentication failed for user ‘viewuser'”
During the discovery of a new Avamar server in DPA, the optional ‘Start Test’ section will return the error message
"Error "[collector ... on port 3741 returned an error processing command: Unable to connect to Avamar server <AvamarServerName>]"
If the test is skipped and the discovery of Avamar is completed, data collection will not work.
The following error is found in the dpaagent.log:
ERR: failed to connect to Avamar database
<Failed to connect to database mcdb on server <AvamarServerName>: Connection to database mcdb failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "viewuser"
The password for the “viewuser” account has been changed on the Avamar server.
The default password is “viewuser1” and this is used in the Default Avamar Credential.
To verify the password for viewuser in Avamar:
1. Putty to Avamar with the “admin” account;
2. Run the command
psql -p 5555 mcdb -U viewuser -h <IP or hostname of this Avamar server>
3. It will prompt to enter the password for viewuser, enter the default password: viewuser1
4. If the password “viewuser1” has not been changed, you will log in mcdb successfully and the putty session should look like:
5. If the password for viewuser has been changed, then the login will fail:
This confirms the default password for the “viewuser” account has been changed on Avamar.
Put in a SR (Service Request) to Avamar support to determine the viewuser password or reset the password if required.
Once the correct password for viewuser has been determined, create a new credential in DPA with the correct viewuser/password combination.