Data Protection Advisor – Adding Avamar client
In order to add Avamar to DPA for monitoring there are a few hard to find details in order to be successful. Here I will walk you through the process I had to go through. First login to DPA server through the webpage https://dpa-server-name with the “administrator” account. Then navigate to System Settings/Credentiald and then select “Default Avamar Credentials”. Once selected click on “EDIT”.

Here you will setup the Avamar credentials that DPA will use to connect with Avamar. What I found was that after using every known user login credentials including MCUser and root, they all failed in the end. The issue is that DPA uses a special account in Avamar for communication called “viewuser”. How to test the login for “viewuser” account in Avamar go here.
After getting a successful “viewuser” login validated, you can add it as the username and the password that was successful, then click “OK”.

Now we can go to Inventory/Discovery Wizard then under “Object Types” navigate to Backup application/EMC Avamar and select it and click “Next”.

Select “Discover one object manually” and click “Next”.

Enter the FQDN of the the Avamar in the “Hostname” field. For the “Aliases” put the name you would like displayed on the DPA side and then click next.

Avamar can not have a DPA agent installed on its operating system so we leave this uncheck and click “Next”.

Here we select “Remote Agent installed on another host” and then click on “SELECT DATA CONNECTION AGENT”. In the list select the name of the DPA server and click “OK” the name of the DPA will now populate and you can click “Next”.

Select “Default Avamar Credentials” which are the credentials configured earlier with the “viewuser” account then click “Next”.

Here we can test our settings.

Test should show successful

Here you can choose where you want the Avamar stored.You can leave it at default.

Custom Attributes you can leave at default.

Here you see the summary page and you can click “FINISH”.

Avamar has been successfully added to DPA.
Now we know that life isn’t always that easy so if the testing section says it failed follow this link to the troubleshoot page.