How To Windows How To Rebuild A Deleted “Recovery Partition” January 20, 2025January 30, 2025V.Wolf First we will need to download the ISO for the same Operating System, or OS ,that we are going to build back the “Recovery Partition” for. If you were not…Continue readingHow To Rebuild A Deleted “Recovery Partition”
Batch and Command Line How To Posts PowerShell Windows How to Expand C:Drive Without Third Party Software January 15, 2025January 30, 2025V.Wolf Sometime our C:\Drive fills up and we need to get free space. We can use free tools like Wiztree to scan the drive and discover unneeded files and remove them.…Continue readingHow to Expand C:Drive Without Third Party Software
Avamar How To How to fix Avamar not coming up after restart February 5, 2024February 5, 2024V.Wolf How to fix Avamar not coming up after restart I was troubleshooting an issue and thought that if I restarted the Avamar that it would be fixed. After it finished…Continue readingHow to fix Avamar not coming up after restart
Avamar How To How to check your Avamar’s health with proactive_check February 5, 2024February 5, 2024V.Wolf Here’s how to check your Avamar’s health with proactive_check In order to keep everything clean we will check if we already have a “proactive_check” directory by entering the list command…Continue readingHow to check your Avamar’s health with proactive_check
Avamar How To How to fix Avamar Web UI page connection has timed out. February 2, 2024February 2, 2024V.Wolf This will cover two different scenario where either one or both are a solution to this problem. Scenario 1. This is usually caused when the Rest API service is down.…Continue readingHow to fix Avamar Web UI page connection has timed out.
Data Domain How To How to Fix Data Domain’s Web GUI inaccessible February 2, 2023February 2, 2023V.Wolf Summary: When the https certificate expires on a DD, it will cause weird issues when trying to access the web GUI. Generating a new cert will resolve the issue. This…Continue readingHow to Fix Data Domain’s Web GUI inaccessible
Avamar Data Domain How To How to delete an old Data Domain after error November 23, 2022November 23, 2022V.Wolf I had an old Data Domain 2500 that was out of support, but I still used it for some old archival secondary backups until I find them a better supported…Continue readingHow to delete an old Data Domain after error
Avamar How To Easily Reset The MCUser Password On Avamar November 4, 2022November 22, 2022V.Wolf Recently I was asked by Avamar support to gather some data for a possible storage expansion. One of the first CLI commands they needed me to run was “mccli group…Continue readingEasily Reset The MCUser Password On Avamar
Avamar How To How To Prevent Avamar’s “Activities – DPN Summary” Report From Crash November 2, 2022November 2, 2022V.Wolf Okay guys I have another interesting one for you. I had been struggling for a few years now in my attempts to run an Activities – DPN Summary report on…Continue readingHow To Prevent Avamar’s “Activities – DPN Summary” Report From Crash
Avamar How To How To Recover Filesystem Backup With Stuck “Waiting-Client” October 13, 2022October 17, 2022V.Wolf Recently I had a physical server failure. I will spare you the details, but to say that this was a mini-disaster recovery. This did teach me somethings that I had…Continue readingHow To Recover Filesystem Backup With Stuck “Waiting-Client”
You're Welcome. As a little bonus, you can stop timeout on the Avamar CLI by running: unset TMOUT Just be…
Sorry for the late reply. Can you give me more information about what happened to get to this point? Did…
Great info very clear and very helpful.
You're Welcome. As a little bonus, you can stop timeout on the Avamar CLI by running: unset TMOUT Just be…
Can I ask what version of vCenter are you running?
Sorry for the late reply. Can you give me more information about what happened to get to this point? Did…
Many thanks, that helped me a lot