Versions used are: Avamar 19.2
I recently had to add a hotfix to my Avamar proxies in order to fix/ rule out the cause of an issue with backups. If you have never completed a hot fix, here are the steps I use:
First I get the hotfix from Dell support which they send me through a FTP link to download. I then need to use WinSCP to upload it to the proxy.
Default username is admin and the default password is avam@r if you haven’t changed it.

You will need to change directory to /tmp

Then drag and drop from where you downloaded the hotfix to the /tmp directory. In this case the hotfix is AvamarVMwareCombined-linux-sles12sp1-x86_64-19.2.100-155.rpm

Now you can move to your Putty session and change from admin to root. Then change directory to /tmp and then paste in the command:
rpm -Uvh –force AvamarVMwareCombined-linux-sles12sp1-x86_64-19.2.100-155.rpm

Now that it is installed we can remove the hotfix from /tmp and reboot.

The hotfix is applied!